Pursuing, Refining and Sublimating

Date: 2006.07.24
By Cao Chunsheng

Liu Shiming graduated in 1951 from the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with distinction. He is noted for his simplicity and honesty. But some call him an eccentric genius as he often surprises people with novel ideas, methods and strange behaviors.

As early as he was a student, Liu showed his artistic potential with his work “Measuring the Land” which was exhibited and later collected by the National Museum of former Republic of Czechslovakia.

During the 1958 Great Leap Forward, many sculptural artists created works for public display. These gigantic works were done with reference to folk and traditional Chinese arts and rendered in a romantic and somewhat exaggerated approach.

I still remember some of the representative works such as “Taming the Dragons and Tigers” erected in front of the Qianmen Railway Station, “Galloping Steed” which stood in front of the Wangfujing Department Store, especially Liu’s work “Cutting the Mountains, Diverging the Rivers” in front of the Peace Archway in the Zhongshan Park, leaving viewers a deep impression for its size, momentum, and subject matter.

This piece of work has won critic accolades for decades. It is now recognized as a historic piece and it came out of the hands of Liu Shiming.

Liu rarely talks about his past works. Plain as he appears, Liu is an artist full of passion and has been exploring in the field of sculpture for decades. The independent thinking artist unwaveringly pursues his dreams and recaptures his inner feelings in his simple but charming works. He is innocent and romantic but has a deep insight into life and society. His are is no doubt the sublimation of his noble spirit, the crystallization of his talent and a vital part of his life.

Full of passion, Liu closely engaged himself with people at grass-roots level and as a result he gained a clear understanding of their life, their emotions, their joys and their sorrows. He cherishes a genuine and deep feeling towards these people and the yellow earth in northern China.

His rich personal history helps to enhance his art. Liu never copies subjects blindly but draws inspiration from life. He never stops pursuing, refining and sublimating his art and that is where the charm of his art lies.

Liu has created numerous works that are colorful, interesting, have profound, and thought-provoking meanings. Liu is adept at expressing the maximum in meaning with the minimum in art language. Good examples are such simple but truth-revealing pottery works as “Courtyard of a Farmer,” “Backstage,” “Families on the River,” and “Re-education for Intellectuals.”

Liu has long been known for his creativity and independent spirit. His art are simple and elegant free from forced efforts. His art breathes a fresh breeze into the circles of contemporary Chinese sculptural art with its earthy and natural flavor. Therefore, people have shown a deep respect for his genuine feelings towards Chinese art traditions and the people at grass-roots level.

Liu is a devoted artist who never stops drawing from traditional, folk Chinese culture and the arts. He puts much emphasis on the inner strength of his art.
Shen Yun, or penetrating inner-strength is the paramount goal of artistry, pursued by generations of Chinese artists.

Yi jing, or spiritual mood, and Chuan Shen, or soul-stirring vividness are widely recognized the ultimate criterion of art by Chinese artists. The captivating beauty and charm of Liu’s works are realized by his observation, passion, sensibility, and wisdom as well as vivid forms, perfect compositions, humorous exaggerations, and simplicity.

I will be deeply touched whenever I lay my eyes on Liu’s sculptural pottery works. And I am never tired of appreciating his works from which I may discover something new every time I look at them. The viewers, including me, are often, if not always, amused by the artist’s powerful expressions, his optimistic attitude to life and his strong sense of humor.

I sincerely hope that he is always youthful as an artist. And I sincerely wish him good health. And I sincerely hope that he will create even more powerful artworks for the world.
Cao Chunsheng, the director of Artistic Advisory Committee under National Regulatory Commission for Urban Sculpture Construction

July 24, 2006